
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Baby Boy Quilt

While I was in Utah, I found a kit for a boy's baby blanket. So today during conference I decided to put it together.

Took me a little bit to figure out the uneven block look but once I got the hang of it this was really easy to make.

Now I need to figure out who to give it to. I think I'm slowly getting better at quilting.


The Ascanios said...

I like it Sara! Were the pieces pre cut?

Sara said...

It came with all the strips of fabric you need and then you cut them to the correct size. I got it at a place in highland, they had quite a few different kits.

Melissa said...

So cool!

Jill said...

That's adorable! Good job. I'm working on a quilt right now too. It's way fun. I'm trying to get good at it too.